Building Better Lives

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(828) 302-0293

Winter Stand Down Event 2024

What is a Stand Down Event?

Stand Down is a special event for veterans to provide camaraderie, food, clothing, medical services, counseling, and so much more.

For several years, Veterans Helping Veterans, a local non-profit, has hosted the Foothills Veterans Winter Stand Down in Caldwell County. The one-day event includes information, entertainment, a light breakfast, lunch, and more. Veterans from Caldwell, Alexander, Ashe, Avery, Burke, Catawba, McDowell, Watauga, Wilkes, and surrounding counties are invited to attend the annual event.

If you have questions about the Winter Stand Down event, please feel free to email us at


Stand Down Veterans Event


We want to know about businesses in our community. Please take a moment to complete our short business survey.


We invite organizations that provide services to veterans to participate in the Winter Stand Down event. Space is limited.


We so appreciate all of our volunteers! Please consider volunteering at this year’s Winter Stand Down event!


Comprised of an all-volunteer board of local veterans and volunteers, we receive no federal funding and rely solely on donations. Your donation is tax deductible.

Building Better Lives for Veterans in the Foothills of North Carolina

Tax Exempt 501(c) 3 Organization / Identification #85-1213574

Call Us at (828) 302-0293
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